As spiritual teachers have guided us for for eons, to understand the meaning of life begins when you ”know thyself” which is hard to do when you’re constantly scrolling through the artificial lives of everyone else.  

My recommendation? Consider social media - and tech itself -as a tool to be utilized but remain consciously aware of whether you’re using it, or if it’s using YOU. 

In other words and what I am really going to drop in next is my favorite line I have been saying since 2008…

Program your mind, or it will be programmed for you!

Or what inspired me at the time:

“…Be not conformed to the patterns of this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” - Romans 12:2 

That is one of my favorite bible verses all time, and while I don’t consider myself religious, the wisdom of this passage resonates with a profound truth that’s relevant to this current topic and opens the door to what I’ve come to believe after years of personal experience and spiritual study…

The mind or field is such a miraculous programmable substance truly capable of creating anything!  There is a formula or a recipe to bring about the dreams we have into our so called reality.  Its what I have dedicated my life to unravelling…how the field of energy and information really works!  

What if the disconnect from our higher divine selves, is deliberate…After all, the whole system is so perfectly designed to lure us in and keep us entrapped, don’t you kind of have to wonder - who or WHAT is behind all this, anyway? 

Mind filled with social media noise

Now, let’s go back to my proposed theory from the beginning of this article: 

Are we headed towards a world where A.I. (Artificial intelligence) “dutifully” serves us, or are we unknowingly already living in a world where WE are enslaved by it? 

Come on - even if this sounds a bit far fetched, just hear me out. I’m only asking for an open mind…isn’t this how we uncover the truth, by asking uncomfortable questions? 

The word “virus” currently has an extraordinarily charged meaning, more so than ever in modern history, but I'm going to ask you to consider a different type of virus - a virus of consciousness. What if, like a computer can become infected with a software virus, tech has literally infected our subconsciousness with a stealth virus - and we’re not even aware of it, or fully in control anymore?

If one considers how our brains literally function like computers - with signals being communicated through an intricate neural-network, signals and impulses controlling autonomic responses beyond our conscious control, it’s not so farfetched to consider…could we already be infected by a technologically based virus of a completely different dimension of consciousness?

Controlling the mind with tech

Given what I’ve seen and experienced first-hand, and some of the guidance I’ve received, this has become a genuine concern of mine, and even more so as we move into a more tech-reliant world.  If there’s one thing my near death experience and subsequent miraculous recovery taught me, it’s never to underestimate the value of an open mind and to ALWAYS keep asking questions and Seeking Truth…which is what I’m here to share with you.

While I’ll admit tech absolutely has its benefits and I do enjoy aspects of it, it is my belief that certain frequencies or vibrations come through tech consumption and impact our personal information and digital field in a non-harmonious way.  Some may call this programming, others mind control, and it is possible that a non-soul based, non-loving intelligent form of consciousness is able to penetrate our delicate and attractive fields.  

We have to remember that so much more exists in this ocean of creation and we are not the only ones here.  

Earth is a school, a place to come, evolve and grow our souls. We are spiritual beings having a human experience, yet if the system has been hacked or compromised we need to be even more aware.  More conscious . More intuitive of what and how our experience is impacted.  

This is why some say The Great Awakening is coming very soon.  I agree.  

Those that are ready to ask the right questions and have an open mind will be more ready to engage with the truth. 

Therefore, my recommendation is not to give up tech but maintain a heightened level of awareness when using it and when consciously disconnecting as well    Make time for offline.  Schedule it and stick to it as if its a spiritual practice

It’s an act of self-development - like intermittent fasting for the physical body, try intermittent phone fasting for your celestial body.  This can be as simple as not firing up your phone until 11am.  Give yourself time to be with yourself, your mind and all that you came here to be.  Without distraction or interference.  Feel your force and let creation be with you.

Shhh…The Truth Is waiting to be heard

Shhh…The Truth Is waiting to be heard

There’s so much more I have to share with you on this topic, and I’ll be doing so in the future, but in the meantime - are you open to reconnectingconnecting to the Real A.I. (Angelic Intelligence) and the REAL you?


Then try it…Spirit may be calling you…TURN. OFF. YOUR. PHONE.

It’s time to disconnect to reconnect. 

Your higher self is reaching out and that’s a call you want to answer.  

-Step Sinatra

Hydra, Greece  June 2020

Step Sinatra